Thanks Sue for your great write up of your visit here.
Thanks Sue for your great write up of your visit here.
This gallery contains 9 photos.
The studio is now a tidier place and new ideas for the new year starting to surface, like the structures or nests that appear in the woods now the trees are so bare. Even the morning plays is cloaked in mist. It is so mild out at the moment that you could mistake it for March.
Umbria and Tuscan landscapes are still inspiring to paint. looking so beautiful
Very excited to have secured Art Holiday Italy as our new website address, at last all the hard work of restoring the buildings has moved into the new challenge of bringing people to our Creative Retreat. As well as Painting and Sculpture courses from Lucy we hope that the Art courses for 2012 will include life drawing with Morag Donally of Drawn Home, Saxophone workshop with Craig Croton of Blowout Sax Bristol, Theatre performance with Sue.. and possible Simon Blakeman… More to follow